Does JSP support XML pages creation?
The answer is Yes. There are two ways you could use XML data in a JSP page:
• Convert the XML elements into server-side objects and then extract the object properties.
• Invoke a transformation on the XML data.
The static XML tags may be included as static template portions of the JSP page.The dynamic generation of XML tags occur through bean components or custom tags that generate XML output.The other mechanism of dynamic XML data use in JSP could be by XML transformation.This technique uses XSLT(a W3C standard for transforming an XML to XML/HTML/PDF) which could be used either for formatting data in a desired fashion or simply extracting the data from an XML.
• Convert the XML elements into server-side objects and then extract the object properties.
• Invoke a transformation on the XML data.
The static XML tags may be included as static template portions of the JSP page.The dynamic generation of XML tags occur through bean components or custom tags that generate XML output.The other mechanism of dynamic XML data use in JSP could be by XML transformation.This technique uses XSLT(a W3C standard for transforming an XML to XML/HTML/PDF) which could be used either for formatting data in a desired fashion or simply extracting the data from an XML.