Core Java Interview Questions
Every year many thousand technocrats choose Java careers across the globe,after formally taking Java training classes,courses a...
Every year many thousand technocrats choose Java careers across the globe,after formally taking Java training classes,courses a...
In a Java program, how can you divert program messages to the system console, but error messages, say to a file? A. The class 'Syste...
You may like to read following posts before going through the list of questions mentioned on Collections APIs in this post: Questions on jav...
Q.If I am extracting data from database which is have redundancy and not sorted, which collection object will you choose in order to make th...
Here it goes: class Parent { } class Child extends Parent { } Child can be referred as an object of type Parent or Child. Upcasting works li...
How can you display a particular web page from an applet? How can you get the hostname on the basis of IP addres ? How can you get an I...
The different Socket options are : SO_TIMEOUT SO_LINGER TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF SO_SNDBUF. They may be specified in various scenarios ...
The following snippet of code helps you in finding hostname on the basis of IP address:- InetAddress inetAddress = InetAddress.getByNam...
In case of TCP protocol i.e. ServerSocket : Each Socket connection accepted corresponds to who is connecting to your server, that means rel...
DatagramSocket accepts only UDP packets, whereas ServerSocket allows TCP connections in an application. It depends on the protocol one imple...
The following code snippet shows you how to achieve that using showPage method is capable of displaying any URL passed to it. import java.n...
JDO is - a persistence technology -allows you to create POJOs (plain old java objects) and persist them to the database . Value objects ...
What is an Assertion and why using assertion in your program is a good idea ? Explain Assertions with a code exmaple. How many forms of ...
Assertions can best be implemented : - As Internal Invariants - As Control flow Invariants - As Preconditions and Postconditions - As Class...
In following situations the assertions should be avoided: -When assertion becomes a performance issue.It means an assertion should not incl...
The main reason of introducing assertions in Java from R1.4 onwards is to reduce the chances of bugs which otherwise would have gone unnotic...
There are two forms of assertions: The first, simpler form is: assert Expression1 ; where Expression1 is a boolean expression. When the sy...
In a Java program,several times, one would like to make certain assumptions for executing a program.For example,while taking a square root o...
A trusted applet is one which signed by a trusted authority. The trusted applet is installed on the local hard disk, in a directory on the ...
What differentiates Beans from typical Java classes is introspection. The tools that recognize predefined patterns in method signatures and ...