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    What is Hibernate?

    Hibernate is a powerful, high performance object/relational persistence and query service.It is an open-source technology which fits well both with Java and .NET technologies.Hibernate lets developers write persistence classes with hibernate query features of HQL within principles of Object Oriented paradigm.It means one can include association,inheritance,polymorphism,composition and collection of these persisting objects to build applications.

    Hibernate Architecture

    The main objective of Hibernate is to relieve the developers from manual handling of SQLs,JDBC APIs for resultsets handling and it helps in keeping your data portable to various SQL databases,just by switching the delegate and driver details in hibernate.cfg.xml file.
    Hibernate offers sophisticated query options, you can write plain SQL, object-oriented HQL (Hibernate Query Language), or create programmatic criteria and example queries. Hibernate can optimize object loading all the time, with various fetching and caching options.
    Some snapshots of Hibernate:
    -Free open source
    -OO Concepts can be implemented.
    -A rich variety of mappings for collections and dependent objects
    -No extra code generation or bytecode processing steps in your build procedure
    -Great performance, has a dual-layer cache architecture, and may be used in a cluster
    -Its own query language support
    -Efficient transaction handling
    -The Java Persistence API is the standard object/relational mapping and persistence management interface of the Java EE 5.0 platform which are implemented with the Hibernate Annotations and Hibernate EntityManager modules, on top of the Hibernate Core.(As part of EJB3.0 spec)

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